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Trade Mentoring | Options Trading | Certification in Trading Intuition

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Our online Macro Intuition | Mentoring service for motivated traders and investors is offered on a 2-month rolling basis three times per year.  This is a practice based service to build your macro intuition. Registration is limited.

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The premier free option education site with an intuitive approach to options trading (access on the link below).  Options for Macro Traders® is available on Macro Trading University® as an optional add-on or as a stand alone course.

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An online practice-based  Certificate in Trading Intuition | certTI® designed to provide university students employable skills in the finance industry.  Please click the link below to access the site.

Improve your trading edge with Macro Intuition | Mentoring and Options for Macro Traders!

Trader celebrating after a successful market trade

Macro Intuition™| Mentoring 

Gain confidence by building up your trading intuition through our two (2) month mentoring program.  Learn how to impliment a low risk/high reward trading strategy to take  advantage of the changing global financial markets.

Trading Core:  learn key trading skills and knowlege based on decades of trading experience and insights.   An important step towards trading success.

Macro Core:  using our experience we help you navigate the global financial markets.  This will build your macro intuition and help you understand how changes global affect your portfolio.  Then implimenting the appropriate strategy to take advantage of opportunities or minimize your risks through hedging strategies.

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  • Our featured options course takes you from the basics to intermediate and advanced strategies.  Learn at your own pace.
  • The option strategies presented here focus on the ‘big picture’ first and are designed specifically to be used in macro-trading strategies.
  • Learn option trading strategies to capitalize on business cycles and global macro events – economic and political.
  • Protect your portfolio during financial crisis periods when markets are very volatile.
  • Gain a strategic advantage in your trading/investment by taking advantage of precision option strategies to enhance your returns and mitigate risks.
Options for Macro Traders® is an add-on that you can enroll in seperately with any of our certificates.

Options for Macro Traders®   $275

Online Course | Lifetime access

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