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Certificate in Macro Valuation | certMV®

Macro Cycle Theory™  our theory of heightened geo-political risk, specifically the role around the increase of dyadic political risk.  Dyadic political risk refers to geo-political risk between country pairs.  Our process theory provides you with a big-picture view of how to interpret global macro developments and changes in the investment enviroment into potential risks to your trading and investment portfolio.  It is based on sound theoretical considerations eminating from international relations, long-wave cycles, geo-politics, innovation systems and business theories.  This framework will allow traders and investors to better understand geo-political risks.

Certificate in Macro Valuation | certMV®: gain an understanding of business value creation and how macro factors can disrupt or enhance this value creation process.  This is a unique certificate that builds your trading/investment intuition on macro events and valuation.

 Certificate of Macro Valuation | certMV 


24 hour courses | Lifetime access

Enroll below using  your desired payment method: Credit Card (Stripe), Paypal, Google Pay or Apple Pay.

Macro Cycle Theory™

Trader examining market prices board

Geo-political Risk, Long Cycles, Frameworks

  • Dyadic Political Risk
  • Long-Wave Cycles & Power
  • International Relation Theories
  • Innovation System Mitigation
  • Sensitivity of Firms/Industries
  • Macro Cycle Theory

Valuation | Macro Factors

Investor studying business data on blackboard

Certificate in Macro Valuation | certMV®

  • Value Creation Process
  • Corporate Life Cycle Considerations
  • Industry Factors  | Firm Moat
  • Valuation Models | Limitations
  • Macro Factors | Valuation
  • FX Factors | Political Factors
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